
Kombucha is now available in over 60 Michelin star restaurants

Many sommeliers and fine dining enthusiasts discover the beauty of the rich and specific taste of the drink in combination with superb dishes.

Kombucha’s complex aromatic profile offers a compelling alternative to wines, according to industry experts. Popular brands in England and the US have now successfully introduced kombucha not only as a soft drink, but also as a wonderful low-alcohol  or non-alcoholic wine substitute.

Kombucha has a sweet-sour taste and a very rich and varied aroma. It blends well with food thanks to its specific acidic flavour. The combination of a sweet drink with food is considered unacceptable because the sweetness “kills” the taste warts, “kills” the taste of the food. But the presence of sugars in kombucha is minimal. It tastes more like champagne.

The production of such a drink requires a precise combination of high quality teas and very well controlled fermentation. Syrups and sweeteners are widely used in the production of kombucha to bring it closer to the taste of the average consumer of soft beverages. Although a healthy alternative to soft drinks, this kombucha is not suitable for food combinations. There are companies that rely on the natural taste, which has stronger acidic touch. Such beverages are made using traditional technology. Their quality is determined on the basis of a well-balanced taste and the presence of useful basic acids without sharp, acidic notes. They should be delicate, as is the case with good wines.

Depending on its composition, kombucha offers many options for combination with food. Here are some of them:

Kombucha with hints of rhubarb and white peach combines well with white fish, white meat and cream.
Kombucha with citrus notes such as lemon and grapefruit – green vegetables, mussels, salads and fruits.
Apple and caramel kombucha – red meat, barbecue, South African spices and chocolate desserts.
In an extensive study of this topic, sommeliers say that “kombucha opens a whole new palate receptor”, so the possibilities for combination are limitless. It is a must to be served chilled and in a glass for white wine!

The popularity of kombucha is growing every day and it is opening up more and more market opportunities in various segments. It is a good attestation for business and investors.

If you own a restaurant and want your guests to enjoy your wonderful food in an unconventional and even more flavorful way, then offer them a quality kombucha tailored to your menu. Search for a quality kombucha or create your own unique brand!

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