Have you ever wondered why kombucha is becoming an increasingly popular beverage? Why do more and more people consume it daily and fervently recommend it to their loved ones and acquaintances? How this unpopular until recently fermented tea conquered Europe and America, and the information about it is passed from mouth to mouth?
The answer is very simple – because, besides having an overwhelming taste, kombucha is
rich in very important and useful nutrients.
The richness of these active ingredients can only be compared to the richness and variety of honey. This variety gives the kombucha the
power to be much more than a drink. Kombucha is an opportunity to deliver health and energy for a long time only with one glass a day.
In recent years, kombucha was the subject of many medical and laboratory tests. Some have confirmed the empirical claims of its effectiveness on certain physiological states; others have demonstrated the association of the active ingredients in it to affect certain functional systems, and others showed potential on which further work is needed.
In general, science has greatly paid attention to kombucha, perhaps in connection with the clear message that fermented foods and beverages are particularly important for the diet of man and their revival is not accidental!
Here I will try to summarize the health benefits of consuming kombucha, saving you “myths and legends”, such as that that with kombucha you can fight the hair loss. Personally tested and proven – it cannot…
To understand why kombucha is so beneficial to our health, let’s first see what’s in it.
Microbiological studies conducted by a leading team of specialists in Bulgaria carried out a thorough analysis of kombucha and proved the presence of three groups of microorganisms in SCOBY (starter culture), namely: yeast, lactic acid bacteria and acetic acid bacteria. I specify that these are the three main active ingredients in the microbiological population in the starter culture.
This combination of specific bacteria and yeasts makes kombucha able to act so powerful on our body.
The different ratio of the active ingredients in each beverage also makes it with different taste properties. A difference in the active substances (quantitative and qualitative) results from different circumstances during the brewing of the beverage, as well as from the tea and sugar used for the tea infusion itself.
The main microorganisms found and examined in kombucha are:
Acetobacter – is an aerobic (oxygen-demanding) bacterial strain that produces acetic acid and gluconic acid. Acetobacter is always found in kombucha. Acetobacter strains also build SCOBYfungus. Acetobacter xylinoides and acetobacterketogenum are two types that can be found in kombucha.
Saccharomyces – includes a number of yeast strains that produce alcohol and are the most common types of yeast found in kombucha. They can be aerobic or anaerobic (requiring oxygen-free environments). Available in the beverage are Saccharomyces ludwigii, Saccharomycodesapiculatus, Schizosaccharomycespombe, Zygosaccharomyesand Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Brettanomyces – other type yeast strain, aerobic or anaerobic, are commonly found in kombucha and produce an alcohol or acetic acid.
Lactobacillus – well known and useful lactic acid bacteria. Produces lactic acid.
Pediococcus – these anaerobic bacteria produce lactic acid.
Gluconacetobacter kombuchae is an anaerobic bacterium that is unique to kombucha. It eats nitrogen that is in tea and produces acetic acid and gluconic acid as well as builds SCOBY.
Zygosaccharomyces kombuchaensis – is a yeast strain that is unique to kombucha. It produces alcohol and gas, and contributes to building the body of the sponge.
Kombucha contains various other nutrients, especially various acids and esters that give the beverage a characteristic taste and carbonation.
Also included in these components is gluconic acid, the presence of which gives the main difference in flavor between kombucha and apple cider.
The amount of active microorganisms, their types, the amount of sugar and the theacid content depend on many factors, including the initial culture, the type of tea used, the type of sugar used, the quality of the tea, the type of water, the brewing time, the time and temperature during fermentation, and more.
For this reason, precise microbial, quantitative and qualitative composition for kombucha cannot be stated.
Besides the listed microorganisms kombucha beverage contains various types of essential fatty acids, vitamins, enzymes and anti-oxidants.
To paraphrase not, I suggest you to read the information available in 8 scientifically proven facts.
Как един непопулярен доскоро ферментирал чай завладя Европа и Америка, а информацията за него се предава от уста на уста?
Many media and scientific publications summarize the benefits of kombucha intake. The full article and references can be read here: https://draxe.com/7-reasons-drink-kombucha-everyday/
Helps prevent a wide variety of diseases
While a lot of health claims for kombucha focus on the way it heals the gut (which, in itself, contributes to boosted immunity), there is also a fairly well-confirmed body of evidence that it contains powerful antioxidants and can help to detoxify the body and protect against disease.
Related to this disease-fighting power is the way these antioxidants help to reduce inflammation, at the root of most diseases. This inflammation-reducing, detoxing quality is probably one reason it might potentially decrease the risk for certain kinds of cancers.
One reason this happens is because antioxidants reduce oxidative stress that can damage cells, even down to DNA. Being exposed to a lot of processed foods and chemicals within your environment can lead to this stress, which in turn contributes to chronic inflammation.
While normal black tea does contain antioxidants, research shows that the fermentation process of kombucha creates antioxidants not present in black tea, like glucaric acid.
Kombucha may specifically influence the activity of two important antioxidants known as glutathione peroxidase and catalase. It was also discovered to contain isorhamnetin, a metabolite of quercetin, in December 2016.Quercetin is associated with a long lifespan and massive anticancer properties.
Research from the University of Latvia in 2014 claims that drinking kombucha tea can be beneficial for many infections and diseases “due to four main properties: detoxification, anti-oxidation, energizing potencies and promotion of depressed immunity.”
Supports a healthy gut
Naturally, the antioxidant prowess of this ancient tea counteracts free radicals that create mayhem in the digestive system. However, the greatest reason kombucha supports digestion is because of its high levels of beneficial acid, probiotics, amino acids and enzymes.
Some research has shown its ability to prevent and heal stomach ulcers.
It can also help heal candida from overpopulating within the gut by restoring balance to the digestive system, with live probiotic cultures that help the gut to repopulate with good bacteria while crowding out the candida yeast.
Although kombucha does contain bacteria, these are not harmful pathogen bacteria. Instead, they are the beneficial kinds (called “apathogens”) that compete with “bad” pathogen bacteria in the gut and digestive tract.
Candida and other digestive problems can sometimes be complicated issues to fix, and symptoms might actually get worse before getting better. If you feel like kombucha is exacerbating the problem, consider that gut problems aren’t always a straight path to healing and at times some patience or trial and error is needed.
May help improve mental state
Kombucha doesn’t just help your digestion; it might be able to protect your mind, too. One way it can accomplish this is by the B vitamins it contains. B vitamins, particularly vitamin
B12, are known to increase energy levels and contribute to overall mental wellbeing. Its high vitamin B12 content is one reason supplements sometimes contain dry kombucha products.
The gut-repairing function also plays a role in mental health. Depression may be a major symptom of leaky gut, specifically due to the way that bad gut permeability contributes to inflammation.
A 2012 study published in Biopolymers and Cell examined kombucha as a functional food product for long-term space exploration (yes, you read that right).
Among other various features, kombucha’s ability to regulate the “communication of the gut-brain axis” suggested it would be useful in preventing or minimizing the effects of anxiety and depression, particularly for astronauts and others under extreme work conditions (like
Beneficial for the lungs
A (probably) unexpected benefit of kombucha is its use as a potential treatment method for silicosis, a lung disease caused by repeated exposure to silica particles.
Chinese scientists discovered that inhalation of kombucha could be a way to treat this and other diseases of the lungs caused by inhalation of dangerous material.
That being said, I would recommend you drink it, rather than inhaling it.
Powerful antibacterial agent
This one seems a little counterintuitive, doesn’t it? But it’s true – because of the type of bacteria found in kombucha, drinking the live cultures actually destroys bad bacteria responsible for infections.
In lab studies, kombucha has been found to have antibacterial effects against staph, E. coli, Sh. sonnei, two strains of salmonella and Campylobacter jejuni.
The last of those is probably the most common cause of food poisoning in the US. It can sometimes be followed by a condition called Guillian-Barré syndrome, where the immune system attacks the nervous system. Because of the immense dangers of food-borne infections and significant costs to treat, the FDA is very interested in potential treatment methods for C. jejuni.
Helpful in managing diabetes
Although some practitioners warn against kombucha for diabetics, it seems that some research suggests just the opposite. This is assuming, of course, that you are consuming kombucha without a high sugar load.
Particularly due to the functions of antioxidants in it, it seems to help alleviate diabetes symptoms, and more efficiently than the anti-diabetic black tea from which it’s fermented. This appears to be especially true in terms of liver and kidney functions, which are generally poor for those with diabetes.
Good for the cardiovascular system
Kombucha has been considered to be beneficial to the heart for some time, although research efforts in this area have been scarce. However, it seems clear that, in animal models, kombucha helps to lower triglyceride levels, as well as regulate cholesterol naturally.
Helps maintain a healthy liver
Since the liver helps to filter and convert harmful compounds, it’s a vital component in digestion and overall health. The antioxidants in kombucha may protect the liver from oxidative stress and damage induced by acetaminophen overdose.
In the article itself there are links to dozens of research and clinical tests, which will probably be too curious for readers who want to go further in the subject Kombucha Health benefits.
The information in this article is not intended to present kombucha as a cure and it should not be taken as a medicine.
Kombucha is a daily drink rich in essential substances for the human body.